... because results matter!
Mid-Back and Posture
This page provides reminders to home care you may have been assigned by your doctor.

Supine Posture
Lie on a firm surface, flex your feet as though standing.
Press shoulders into the table and pull scapula (shoulder blades) towards your spine.
Press the back of your head to the table, tucking your chin. (Do not lift the chin and extend the neck.)
Hold 10 seconds and relax.
Repeat 10 times.
Practice twice a day.

Standing Posture
Stand with your back flat to the wall, backside touching, feet under your hips.
Press shoulders into the wall and pull scapular towards your spine.
Press the back of your head to the wall, tucking your chin. (Do not lift the chin and extend the neck.)
Hold 10 seconds and relax.
Repeat 10 times.
Practice twice a day.

Iron Cross
Place foam roller, rolled towel, or bolster along the spine.
Lie down letting your head and arms extend.
Hold 3 - 10 minutes.
Breathe slowly and deeply in/out through the nose if possible.
Repeat daily.

Supine Scapular Retraction
Lie on a firm surface, flex your feet as though standing.
Extend straight arms to ceiling, pulling scapula (shoulder blades) away from the spine.
Press shoulders into the table and pull scapula towards your spine.
Press the back of your head to the table, tucking your chin. (Do not lift the chin and extend the neck.)
Hold 10 seconds and relax.
Repeat 10 times.
Practice twice a day.

Scapular Retraction Exercise
Sit straight with the abdominals tight.
Pinch shoulder blades together (do NOT shrug shoulders, it is more of a squeeze). Hold 5-10 seconds.
Squeeze the bottom points of the scapula towards the center bra line. Hold 5-10 seconds.
Squeeze the bottom points of the scapula towards the waistline. Hold 5-10 seconds.
Repeat 15-20 times, 2-3x/day.